JDAPI - list of integer properties' constants


This is the code snippet used to print all the constants that can be used to set the form integer properties:


import oracle.forms.jdapi.*;

public static void main(String[] args)
  for(int j=0; j<600;j++)
    int x[] = JdapiMetaProperty.getAllowedValues(j);
    if(x != null)
      for (int i=0;i<x.length;i++)
        System.out.println(JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyName(j)+" -> " + x[i] 
         + " = " + JdapiMetaProperty.getPropertyValueName(j,x[i]));

Justification -> 0 = Gauche
Justification -> 1 = Droite
Justification -> 2 = Centre
Justification -> 3 = Début
Justification -> 4 = Fin
DefaultAlertButton -> 0 = Bouton 1
DefaultAlertButton -> 1 = Bouton 2
DefaultAlertButton -> 2 = Bouton 3
AlertStyle -> 0 = Stop
AlertStyle -> 1 = Avertissement
AlertStyle -> 2 = Remarque
Bevel -> 0 = Relâché
Bevel -> 1 = Enfoncé
Bevel -> 2 = Aucun
Bevel -> 3 = Incrusté
Bevel -> 4 = Ressorti
Bevel -> 5 = Simple
CaseRestriction -> 0 = Mixte
CaseRestriction -> 1 = Majuscule
CaseRestriction -> 2 = Minuscule
CheckBoxOtherValues -> 0 = Non autorisé
CheckBoxOtherValues -> 1 = Cochée
CheckBoxOtherValues -> 2 = Non cochée
CanvasType -> 0 = Intégrale
CanvasType -> 1 = Empilée
CanvasType -> 2 = Barre d'outils verticale
CanvasType -> 3 = Barre d'outils horizontale
CanvasType -> 4 = Onglet
ColumnDataType -> 0 = Character
ColumnDataType -> 1 = Number
ColumnDataType -> 2 = Date
ColumnDataType -> 3 = Long
ColumnDataType -> 4 = REF objet
CommandType -> 0 = Null
CommandType -> 1 = Menu
CommandType -> 2 = PL/SQL
ImageFormat -> 0 = BMP
ImageFormat -> 1 = CALS
ImageFormat -> 2 = GIF
ImageFormat -> 3 = JFIF
ImageFormat -> 4 = PICT
ImageFormat -> 5 = RAS
ImageFormat -> 6 = TIFF
ImageFormat -> 7 = TPIC
ImageDepth -> 0 = Original
ImageDepth -> 1 = Monochrome
ImageDepth -> 2 = Gris
ImageDepth -> 3 = LUT
ImageDepth -> 4 = RVB
CoordinateSystem -> 0 = Caractère
CoordinateSystem -> 1 = Réel
CursorMode -> 0 = Ouvrir
CursorMode -> 1 = Fermer
DeleteRecord -> 0 = En cascade
DeleteRecord -> 1 = Isolées
DeleteRecord -> 2 = Non isolées
InitializeKeyboardDirection -> 0 = Par défaut
InitializeKeyboardDirection -> 1 = Roman
InitializeKeyboardDirection -> 2 = Local
LanguageDirection -> 0 = Par défaut
LanguageDirection -> 1 = Gauche-droite
LanguageDirection -> 2 = Droite-gauche
ExecuteHierarchy -> 0 = Substitué
ExecuteHierarchy -> 1 = Avant
ExecuteHierarchy -> 2 = Après
FontStyle -> 0 = Simple
FontStyle -> 1 = Italique
FontStyle -> 2 = Oblique
FontStyle -> 3 = Souligné
FontStyle -> 4 = Relief
FontStyle -> 5 = Ombré
FontStyle -> 6 = Inversé
FontStyle -> 7 = Surimpression
FontStyle -> 8 = Clignoter
FontWeight -> 0 = Ultramince
FontWeight -> 1 = Extramince
FontWeight -> 2 = Mince
FontWeight -> 3 = Demimince
FontWeight -> 4 = Moyen
FontWeight -> 5 = Demigras
FontWeight -> 6 = Gras
FontWeight -> 7 = Extragras
FontWeight -> 8 = Ultragras
FontSpacing -> 0 = Ultradense
FontSpacing -> 1 = Extradense
FontSpacing -> 2 = Dense
FontSpacing -> 3 = Semidense
FontSpacing -> 4 = Normal
FontSpacing -> 5 = Semilarge
FontSpacing -> 6 = Large
FontSpacing -> 7 = Extralarge
FontSpacing -> 8 = Ultralarge
ParameterDataType -> 0 = Char
ParameterDataType -> 1 = Number
ParameterDataType -> 2 = Date
ExecuteMode -> 0 = Batch
ExecuteMode -> 1 = Runtime
ItemType -> 0 = Zone composant JavaBean
ItemType -> 1 = Elément graphique
ItemType -> 2 = Case à cocher
ItemType -> 3 = Elément affiché
ItemType -> 4 = Arborescence
ItemType -> 5 = Image
ItemType -> 6 = Elément Liste
ItemType -> 7 = Bouton de commande
ItemType -> 8 = Groupe de boutons d'option
ItemType -> 9 = Elément Texte
ItemType -> 10 = Zone utilisateur
ItemType -> 11 = Contrôle ActiveX (Obsolète)
ItemType -> 12 = Conteneur OLE (Obsolète)
ItemType -> 13 = Son (Obsolète)
ItemType -> 14 = Contrôle VBX (Obsolète)
ItemType -> 14 = Contrôle VBX (Obsolète)
DataType -> 0 = Char
DataType -> 1 = Number
DataType -> 2 = Date
DataType -> 3 = Alpha
DataType -> 4 = Integer
DataType -> 5 = Datetime
DataType -> 6 = Long
DataType -> 7 = Rnumber
DataType -> 8 = Jdate
DataType -> 9 = Edate
DataType -> 10 = Time
DataType -> 11 = Rinteger
DataType -> 12 = Money
DataType -> 13 = Rmoney
DataType -> 14 = REF objet
KeyMode -> 0 = Unique
KeyMode -> 1 = Actualisable
KeyMode -> 2 = Non actualisable
KeyMode -> 3 = Automatique
LibrarySource -> 0 = Fichier
LibrarySource -> 1 = Base de données
LockMode -> 0 = Immédiat
LockMode -> 1 = Différé
LockMode -> 2 = Automatique
ListType -> 0 = Groupe d'enregistrements
ListType -> 1 = Ancien
ListStyle -> 0 = Liste instantanée
ListStyle -> 1 = Liste de sélection
ListStyle -> 2 = Zone de liste déroulante
MagicItem -> 0 = Aucun
MagicItem -> 1 = Couper
MagicItem -> 2 = Copier
MagicItem -> 3 = Coller
MagicItem -> 4 = Effacer
MagicItem -> 5 = Annuler
MagicItem -> 6 = Aide
MagicItem -> 7 = A propos de
MagicItem -> 8 = Quitter
MagicItem -> 9 = Fenêtre
MagicItem -> 10 = Mise en page
MenuItemType -> 0 = Simple
MenuItemType -> 1 = Case à cocher
MenuItemType -> 2 = Bouton d'option
MenuItemType -> 3 = Séparateur
MenuItemType -> 4 = Magique
CompressionQuality -> 0 = Aucun
CompressionQuality -> 1 = Minimum
CompressionQuality -> 2 = Min
CompressionQuality -> 3 = Moyen
CompressionQuality -> 4 = Max
CompressionQuality -> 5 = Maximum
MouseNavigationLimit -> 0 = Appli Forms
MouseNavigationLimit -> 1 = Bloc de données
MouseNavigationLimit -> 2 = Enregistrement
MouseNavigationLimit -> 3 = Elément
NavigationStyle -> 0 = Même enregistrement
NavigationStyle -> 1 = Changement d'enregistrement
NavigationStyle -> 2 = Changement de bloc de données
OleActionStyle -> 0 = Cliquer deux fois
OleActionStyle -> 1 = Manuel
OleActionStyle -> 2 = Naviguer sur
OleResizStyle -> 0 = Découper
OleResizStyle -> 1 = Echelle
OleResizStyle -> 2 = Initial
OleResizStyle -> 3 = Dynamique
OleTenantTypeAspect -> 0 = Contenu
OleTenantTypeAspect -> 1 = Icône
OleTenantTypeAspect -> 2 = Aperçu en réduction
OleTenantTypeType -> 0 = Tous
OleTenantTypeType -> 1 = Aucun
OleTenantTypeType -> 2 = Statique
OleTenantTypeType -> 3 = Lié
OleTenantTypeType -> 4 = Incorporé
OleTenantTypeType -> 5 = Contrôle
DisplayQuality -> 0 = Max
DisplayQuality -> 1 = Moyen
DisplayQuality -> 2 = Min
ReadingOrder -> 0 = Par défaut
ReadingOrder -> 1 = Gauche-droite
ReadingOrder -> 2 = Droite-gauche
RealUnit -> 0 = Pixel
RealUnit -> 1 = Centimètre
RealUnit -> 2 = Pouce
RealUnit -> 3 = Point
RealUnit -> 4 = Décipoint
RecordGroupType -> 0 = Interrogation
RecordGroupType -> 1 = Statique
RecordOrientation -> 0 = Vertical
RecordOrientation -> 1 = Horizontal
ScrollbarOrientation -> 0 = Vertical
ScrollbarOrientation -> 1 = Horizontal
SizingStyle -> 0 = Découper
SizingStyle -> 1 = Ajuster
TriggerStyle -> 0 = PL/SQL
TriggerStyle -> 1 = V2
PromptFontStyle -> 0 = Simple
PromptFontStyle -> 1 = Italique
PromptFontStyle -> 2 = Oblique
PromptFontStyle -> 3 = Souligné
PromptFontStyle -> 4 = Relief
PromptFontStyle -> 5 = Ombré
PromptFontStyle -> 6 = Inversé
PromptFontStyle -> 7 = Surimpression
PromptFontStyle -> 8 = Clignoter
CalculateMode -> 0 = Aucun
CalculateMode -> 1 = Formule
CalculateMode -> 2 = Récapitulatif
PromptFontWeight -> 0 = Ultramince
PromptFontWeight -> 1 = Extramince
PromptFontWeight -> 2 = Mince
PromptFontWeight -> 3 = Demimince
PromptFontWeight -> 4 = Moyen
PromptFontWeight -> 5 = Demigras
PromptFontWeight -> 6 = Gras
PromptFontWeight -> 7 = Extragras
PromptFontWeight -> 8 = Ultragras
PromptFontSpacing -> 0 = Ultradense
PromptFontSpacing -> 1 = Extradense
PromptFontSpacing -> 2 = Dense
PromptFontSpacing -> 3 = Semidense
PromptFontSpacing -> 4 = Normal
PromptFontSpacing -> 5 = Semilarge
PromptFontSpacing -> 6 = Large
PromptFontSpacing -> 7 = Extralarge
PromptFontSpacing -> 8 = Ultralarge
PromptDisplayStyle -> 0 = Masqué
PromptDisplayStyle -> 1 = Premier enregistrement
PromptDisplayStyle -> 2 = Tous les enregistrements
ValidationUnit -> 0 = Par défaut
ValidationUnit -> 1 = Appli Forms
ValidationUnit -> 2 = Bloc de données
ValidationUnit -> 3 = Enregistrement
ValidationUnit -> 4 = Elément
WindowStyle -> 0 = Document
WindowStyle -> 1 = Boîte de dialogue
WrapStyle -> 0 = Aucun
WrapStyle -> 1 = Caractère
WrapStyle -> 2 = Mot
GraphicsType -> 0 = Arc
GraphicsType -> 1 = Image
GraphicsType -> 2 = Trait
GraphicsType -> 3 = Polygone
GraphicsType -> 4 = Rectangle
GraphicsType -> 5 = Rectangle arrondi
GraphicsType -> 6 = Texte
GraphicsType -> 7 = Groupe
GraphicsType -> 8 = Cadre
ArrowStyle -> 0 = Aucun
ArrowStyle -> 1 = Début
ArrowStyle -> 2 = Fin
ArrowStyle -> 3 = Deux extrémités
ArrowStyle -> 4 = Du milieu vers début
ArrowStyle -> 5 = Du milieu vers fin
PromptReadingOrder -> 0 = Par défaut
PromptReadingOrder -> 1 = Gauche-droite
PromptReadingOrder -> 2 = Droite-gauche
PromptJustification -> 0 = Gauche
PromptJustification -> 1 = Droite
PromptJustification -> 2 = Centre
PromptJustification -> 3 = Début
PromptJustification -> 4 = Fin
PromptAttachmentEdge -> 0 = Début
PromptAttachmentEdge -> 1 = Fin
PromptAttachmentEdge -> 2 = Haut
PromptAttachmentEdge -> 3 = Bas
PromptAlign -> 0 = Début
PromptAlign -> 1 = Fin
PromptAlign -> 2 = Centre
TitleReadingOrder -> 0 = Par défaut
TitleReadingOrder -> 1 = Gauche-droite
TitleReadingOrder -> 2 = Droite-gauche
FrameTitleAlign -> 0 = Gauche
FrameTitleAlign -> 1 = Droite
FrameTitleAlign -> 2 = Centre
FrameTitleAlign -> 3 = Début
FrameTitleAlign -> 4 = Fin
LayoutStyle -> 0 = Formulaire
LayoutStyle -> 1 = Tabulaire
FrameAlign -> 0 = Début
FrameAlign -> 1 = Fin
FrameAlign -> 2 = Centre
FrameAlign -> 3 = Rempli
FrameAlign -> 4 = Colonne
SingleObjectAlign -> 0 = Début
SingleObjectAlign -> 1 = Fin
SingleObjectAlign -> 2 = Centre
StartPromptAlign -> 0 = Début
StartPromptAlign -> 1 = Fin
StartPromptAlign -> 2 = Centre
TopPromptAlign -> 0 = Début
TopPromptAlign -> 1 = Fin
TopPromptAlign -> 2 = Centre
UpdateLayout -> 0 = Manuellement
UpdateLayout -> 1 = Automatiquement
UpdateLayout -> 2 = Verrouillé
DashStyle -> 0 = Plein
DashStyle -> 1 = Pointillé
DashStyle -> 2 = Tireté
DashStyle -> 3 = Trait mixte
DashStyle -> 4 = Double-point
DashStyle -> 5 = Discontinu long
DashStyle -> 6 = Mixte double-point
CapStyle -> 0 = Bout à bout
CapStyle -> 1 = Arrondi
CapStyle -> 2 = Projection
JoinStyle -> 0 = Angle droit
JoinStyle -> 1 = Relief
JoinStyle -> 2 = Arrondi
LineSpacing -> 0 = Un
LineSpacing -> 1 = Un et demi
LineSpacing -> 2 = Deux
LineSpacing -> 3 = Personnalisé
HorizontalOrigin -> 0 = Gauche
HorizontalOrigin -> 1 = Droite
HorizontalOrigin -> 2 = Centre
VerticalOrigin -> 0 = Haut
VerticalOrigin -> 1 = Centre
VerticalOrigin -> 2 = Bas
HorizontalJustification -> 0 = Gauche
HorizontalJustification -> 1 = Droite
HorizontalJustification -> 2 = Centre
HorizontalJustification -> 3 = Début
HorizontalJustification -> 4 = Fin
VerticalJustification -> 0 = Haut
VerticalJustification -> 1 = Centre
VerticalJustification -> 2 = Bas
SummaryFunction -> 0 = Aucun
SummaryFunction -> 1 = Moy
SummaryFunction -> 2 = Décompte
SummaryFunction -> 3 = Max
SummaryFunction -> 4 = Min
SummaryFunction -> 5 = Ecart
SummaryFunction -> 6 = Somme
SummaryFunction -> 7 = Variance
DSAMode -> 0 = IN
DSAMode -> 1 = OUT
DSAMode -> 2 = IN OUT
SoundFormat -> 0 = AU
SoundFormat -> 1 = AIFF
SoundFormat -> 2 = AIFF_C
SoundFormat -> 3 = WAVE
AudioChannels -> 0 = Automatique
AudioChannels -> 1 = Mono
AudioChannels -> 2 = Stéréo
Compress -> 0 = Automatique
Compress -> 1 = Pas de compression
Compress -> 2 = Compression
SoundQuality -> 0 = Automatique
SoundQuality -> 1 = Maximum
SoundQuality -> 2 = Elevée
SoundQuality -> 3 = Moyenne
SoundQuality -> 4 = Basse
SoundQuality -> 5 = Minimum
CommMode -> 0 = Synchrone
CommMode -> 1 = Asynchrone
DSCType -> 0 = VARCHAR2
DSCType -> 1 = NUMBER
DSCType -> 2 = LONG
DSCType -> 3 = ROWID
DSCType -> 4 = DATE
DSCType -> 5 = RAW
DSCType -> 6 = LONG RAW
DSCType -> 7 = CHAR
DSCType -> 9 = TABLE
DSCType -> 10 = RECORD
DSCType -> 12 = NAMED TYPE
DSCType -> 13 = OBJECT REF
DSCType -> 14 = VARRAY
DSCType -> 15 = Table imbriquée
DSCType -> 16 = BLOB
DSCType -> 17 = CLOB
DSCType -> 18 = BFILE
DSAType -> 0 = VARCHAR2
DSAType -> 1 = NUMBER
DSAType -> 2 = LONG
DSAType -> 3 = ROWID
DSAType -> 4 = DATE
DSAType -> 5 = RAW
DSAType -> 6 = LONG RAW
DSAType -> 7 = CHAR
DSAType -> 9 = TABLE
DSAType -> 10 = RECORD
DSAType -> 12 = NAMED TYPE
DSAType -> 13 = OBJECT REF
DSAType -> 14 = VARRAY
DSAType -> 15 = Table imbriquée
DSAType -> 16 = BLOB
DSAType -> 17 = CLOB
DSAType -> 18 = BFILE
QueryDataSourceType -> 0 = Aucun
QueryDataSourceType -> 1 = Table
QueryDataSourceType -> 2 = Procédure
QueryDataSourceType -> 3 = Déclencheurs transactionnels
QueryDataSourceType -> 4 = Interrogation de clause FROM
DMLDataType -> 0 = Aucun
DMLDataType -> 1 = Table
DMLDataType -> 2 = Procédure
DMLDataType -> 3 = Déclencheur transactionnel
TabAttachmentEdge -> 0 = Haut
TabAttachmentEdge -> 1 = Bas
TabAttachmentEdge -> 2 = Gauche
TabAttachmentEdge -> 3 = Droite
TabAttachmentEdge -> 4 = Début
TabAttachmentEdge -> 5 = Fin
VisualAttributeType -> 0 = Commun
VisualAttributeType -> 1 = Invite
VisualAttributeType -> 2 = Titre
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 0 = Simple
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 1 = Italique
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 2 = Oblique
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 3 = Souligné
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 4 = Relief
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 5 = Ombré
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 6 = Inversé
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 7 = Surimpression
FrameTitleFontStyle -> 8 = Clignoter
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 0 = Ultramince
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 1 = Extramince
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 2 = Mince
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 3 = Demimince
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 4 = Moyen
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 5 = Demigras
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 6 = Gras
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 7 = Extragras
FrameTitleFontWeight -> 8 = Ultragras
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 0 = Ultradense
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 1 = Extradense
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 2 = Dense
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 3 = Semidense
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 4 = Normal
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 5 = Semilarge
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 6 = Large
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 7 = Extralarge
FrameTitleFontSpacing -> 8 = Ultralarge
TabStyle -> 0 = Chanfreiné
TabStyle -> 1 = Carré
TabStyle -> 2 = Arrondi
InteractionMode -> 0 = Bloquant
InteractionMode -> 1 = Non bloquant
IsolationMode -> 0 = Lecture exécutée
IsolationMode -> 1 = Sérialisable
ReportDestinationType -> 0 = Aperçu
ReportDestinationType -> 1 = Fichier
ReportDestinationType -> 2 = Imprimante
ReportDestinationType -> 3 = Envoyer
ReportDestinationType -> 4 = Cache
ReportDestinationType -> 5 = Ecran
KeyboardState -> 0 = Tous
KeyboardState -> 1 = Roman seulement
KeyboardState -> 2 = Local seulement
ScrollbarAlign -> 0 = Début
ScrollbarAlign -> 1 = Fin
ProgramUnitType -> 0 = Inconnu
ProgramUnitType -> 1 = Procédure
ProgramUnitType -> 2 = Fonction
ProgramUnitType -> 3 = Spéc. de package
ProgramUnitType -> 4 = Corps de package
RuntimeComp -> 0 = 4.5
RuntimeComp -> 1 = 5.0
GraphicsFontWeight -> 0 = Ultramince
GraphicsFontWeight -> 1 = Extramince
GraphicsFontWeight -> 2 = Mince
GraphicsFontWeight -> 3 = Demimince
GraphicsFontWeight -> 4 = Moyen
GraphicsFontWeight -> 5 = Demigras
GraphicsFontWeight -> 6 = Gras
GraphicsFontWeight -> 7 = Extragras
GraphicsFontWeight -> 8 = Ultragras
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 0 = Ultradense
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 1 = Extradense
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 2 = Dense
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 3 = Semidense
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 4 = Normal
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 5 = Semilarge
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 6 = Large
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 7 = Extralarge
GraphicsFontSpacing -> 8 = Ultralarge
RelationType -> 0 = Jointure
RelationType -> 1 = REF
DataLengthSemantics -> 0 = Null
DataLengthSemantics -> 1 = BYTE
DataLengthSemantics -> 2 = CHAR