How it works
It is composed of:
- A Forms' PLL that hosts a package with procedures and
functions required to handle the collections.
- A (not mandatory) Visual Attribute to colorize the selected
- Some Forms triggers to manage the feature.
The Forms PLL (multiselect.pll).
It contains a package (pkg_multiselect) to update the collection
associated to the data table-block.
PACKAGE pkg_multiselect IS Type
TAB_REC is table of pls_integer index by binary_integer;
Type TAB_CHK is table of pls_integer index by
binary_integer; Type REC_REC is record( name
Varchar2(61), tab TAB_REC ); Type REC_CHK is record(
name Varchar2(61), tab TAB_CHK ); Type TAB_REC_REC is
table of REC_REC index by binary_integer; Type
TAB_REC_CHK is table of REC_CHK index by binary_integer;
procedure clear; procedure
clear_all_blocks; function get_state( numrec in
pls_integer ) return pls_integer ; procedure set_state(
numrec in pls_integer, value in pls_integer ) ;
procedure change_state( numrec in pls_integer ) ;
function get_checked_list (blockname in varchar2 default
null) return TAB_CHK ; procedure
set_visual_attribute_name ( vaname in varchar2);
procedure set_select_visual_attributes
( fontname in varchar2
default null ,fontsize in
varchar2 default null ,fontweight in
varchar2 default null ,background in
varchar2 default null ,foreground in
varchar2 default null ); END;
Every table-block has its own collection, that is a table of
pls_integer, to store the record status; 1 for selected records, and
0 for unselected records.
CLEAR() Used to clear
(actualy delete) the collection associated to the data-block. It is
called at query time, to remove previous record status.
CLEAR_ALL_BLOCKS() Used to clear every collection
associated to the current form. It is called at exit time, in the
POST-FORM trigger.
CHANGE_STATE() Used to toggle the double-clicked
record state.
GET_CHECKED_LIST() Returns a collection with the
selected record numbers. This function has to be used to know, at
any time, what record is selected, without having to loop through
the physical records.
SET_VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME() Used to set the Visual
Attribute name used to colorize the selected record. The default
Visual Attribute name is VA_SELECTED_RECORD, set in the package
body. If your form already contains a Visual Attribute with this
exact name, you don't need to call this procedure. If your form
usually contains a Visual Attribute with another name, you can
change it in the package body:
va_name varchar2(40) := 'VA_SELECTED_RECORD'
Attribute properties, as needed. If your form already holds
a Visual Attribute with correct settings, you don't need to call
this procedure.
If you don't need to use both
SET_SELECT_VISUAL_ATTRIBUTES() procedures, because your
Forms module already contains a correct Visual Attribute, so you
don't need to keep the whole PRE-FORM trigger.
The Forms triggers
PRE-FORM Contains calls to the
SET_SELECT_VISUAL_ATTRIBUTES() procedures. It is not
------------------------------------------- --
not required if you already have a -- --
VA_SELECTED_RECORD Visual Attribute -- -- in your
-- ------------------------------------------- pkg_multiselect.set_visual_attribute_name
('VA_SELECTED_RECORD'); pkg_multiselect.set_select_visual_attributes
( -- fontname =>
'courier' --,fontsize =>
'1200' fontweight =>
FONT_BOLD ,background =>
'r173g251b171' ,foreground =>
'r0g0b240' );
POST-FORM Contains a call to the
CLEAR_ALL_BLOCKS() procedure to clear the collections
before exiting the module.
-- clear the collection before exiting
-- pkg_multiselect.clear_all_blocks;
KEY-EXEQRY Clears the collection to handle new record
-- clear the collection
-- pkg_multiselect.clear; -- execute the query
-- execute_query;
WHEN-MOUSE-DOUBLECLICK Used to toggle the double-clicked
record status:
To know, at any time, the current record status, use the
GET_STATE() function, that returns the current record
status :=